For successful single men making at least 6 figures per year
Daniel Jacob is a successful men’s dating expert and founder of Everlasting Confidence. Over the last 10 years, Daniel has personally transformed from an insecure and socially anxious “nice guy” into a naturally confident man that effortlessly attracts high-quality women.
Since starting the Accelerator Program in 2018, Daniel has helped over 250+ men develop authentic self-confidence and create a fulfilling dating life that compliments their career and business success
To gain authentic confidence around beautiful women you need the right foundation - which in this context are the internal beliefs that attract the highest caliber of women.
Installing these foundational beliefs is what has allowed our clients to create lasting first impressions within seconds of first meeting a woman.
While most guys are busy watching random youtube videos or taking advice from pick-up artists - trying to memorize lines and tactics that never feel authentic.
Our clients avoid these pitfalls by getting access to The Attractive Mindset Training.
You’ll watch over Daniel's shoulder as he teaches you the right beliefs to truly gain control of your dating life.
The best part, you don’t ever have to say anything corny or lame.
Instead, you’ll replace your outdated patterns of thinking around your self-worth and upgrade them for ones that are congruent with success with women.
It's time to get up close and personal with Daniel as you
learn advanced attraction strategies like; engaging
groups of women, overcoming tests, taking the lead,
and generating sexual tension from the expert himself.
This complete-immersive experience with other men,
just like you, who are committed to success in their
dating life is the cheat code to leaping several years
ahead in your dating journey.
We’ll be stepping out into Miami's beautiful and bustling streets, to apply your new skills in lounges, cafes, malls, and outdoor bars. Working with our coaches, in a city that has some of the most beautiful women on the planet.
With a combination of your new skills and unrecognizable new confidence… you can begin seeking opportunities that lead to instant dates or even you spending the night together.
This real-world experience gives you the certainty that when you head home you will be able to meet and attract women, anytime and anywhere.